Thousands of years ago, the Chinese discovered that needles inserted into specific points just below the surface of the skin not only can alleviate pain but also heal many disorders and diseases. That was how acupuncture was discovered in ancient China, and since then it has become a part and parcel of Chinese medicine and Oriental natural healing.
At first, Western medicine was skeptical of the efficacy of acupuncture healing. Nowadays, Western medicine has incorporated some of the principle of this ancient art of natural healing.
Acupuncture is based on an ancient Chinese philosophy – the Tao or Dao (the Way). Basically, this philosophy states that all forms in the universe co-exist in the pairing of opposites: male and female, up and down, cold and hot, the sun and the moon, black and white etc. This duality and mutual interdependence underscore the concept of “yin” and “yang” (the female and the male). The ancient Chinese further divided “yin” and “yang” into the Five Elements, which are essentially the processes of change and transformation within “yin” and “yang.” According to the theory, “yin” and “yang” balance and transform each other to attain harmony, and this process is expressed in the Five Elements (metal, wood, water, fire, and earth). The Five Elements represent not only the seasonal changes within the year cycle, but also life cycle, such as from childhood to old age. Furthermore, the Five Elements represent different organs within the human body (metal represents the lungs and the colon and large intestines; wood represents the liver and gall bladder; water represents the bladder and kidneys; fire represents the heart and the small intestines; earth represents the stomach and spleen).
According to traditional Chinese medicine, the balance of these organs within the body system holds the key to human health. Acupuncture is based on this philosophy of balance and harmony of the Five Elements to optimize human health.
In Chinese medicine, the human body is seen as a mini-world, or a microcosm of the universe. The human body has a surface (which is the skin) and sub-surface (where the human organs are located). Everything within the human body is connected by nerves, blood vessels, and meridians, which are acupuncture points.
According to Tao or Dao (the Way), man/woman and nature are one. Therefore, human health and wellness are contingent on a state of balance with the natural world we are living in. Any disturbance or disharmony can be caused by external factors, such as the environment, or by internal factors, such as toxic thoughts and inappropriate food. It is this disharmony that causes disorders and diseases when the different human organs cannot balance and adjust to one another within the body.
The objective of acupuncture is to use the needles to restore the balance by adjusting the flow of energy through the meridian pathways. According to Chinese medicine, there is a constant flow of energy (known as “qi”) within the human body, carrying oxygen and nutrients to different organs. Any interruption or stagnation of the flow of “qi” will result in disharmony, and over time, will lead to distress.
Given that acupuncture treatment aims at unblocking the energy flow within the body, acupuncture is a form of not only natural healing but also holistic medicine. It encourages the patient’s own energy to return to balance for ultimate healing.
In Chinese medicine, wellness is more than an absence of disease or symptoms of a disease. Human health derives from balance and harmony of the body, the mind, and the spirit. A healthy body enables you to move about with ease; a healthy mind allows you to think your thoughts easily; and a healthy spirit permits you to relate yourself to whatever you do and think on a personal or emotional level. In short, overall wellness facilitates your appropriate responses to the demands of life.
Acupuncture is an alternative therapy to Western medicine, and it is used specifically in dealing with pain, infertility, weight loss, and even to help you quit smoking.